Irgendjemand scheint ein Problem mit unserem Wortgeschwall auf Tripadvisor gehabt zu haben. Weil wir aber jetzt ein bissl zu viel anderes im Kopf haben (Fischen, Marend, Deepclean, Futtern bei und sonstigem Gedöngs) gehen wir den einfachen Weg und antworten der werten nattasar77 einfach hier nochmals und sparen uns den Rest.

Here we go:

Hello nattersar77,

well, that’s a good one… all of you, sit back and enjoy the ride!

So, for the record: 

We don’t kill baby horses. Our butcher does that in his slaughterhouse. Ok, on our order – but technically we don’t kill them ourselves.

We just cook them – from the forerib to the cheeks, from the liver to the minced meat, from the sirloin to the heart, from nose to tail. With the most respect possible for the animal we had slaughtered for us. With a sustainable approach to eating meat. And with a good amount of knowledge why we eat meat, what meat we eat, which consequences there are if we do or don’t eat meat and with the conviction that it is absolute morally ok to eat foal. Which isn’t really a baby horse – with a slaughter age of six to eight months it is more a horse schoolchild to be precise. And still, we are proud of working with our foals, with the meat, the bones and all the offals.

As father of two boys I try to give them as much knowledge possible where the meat they are eating is coming from, which animals they eat and why these animals are justifiable for slaughtering, eating – what it means for the farmer, the butcher, the cook and the consumer when we eat meat. And what happens if we don’t do it – or if we just eat certain meats, animals.

Maybe it would be an idea for you to ask your precious daughter to watch some youtube-videos about „animal transportation in the Mediterranean“ – because that might likely happen to the „baby horses“ if they are not be used here in the region as regional food. But beware: There might be some really disturbing footage shown – so you better watch it with her.  

And if you are done and frustrated with this information spend some hours, days on Wikipedia. Read about why farmers have kept foals, veals and lambs for thousands of years – and why they still do it at present. Read how they use their meat, earn their living with selling this meat. Inform yourself about how nose to tail cooking works and which meat you might eat if you do live a sustainable approach to food in general. Gather informations why not all foals, veals or lambs are able to be used for breeding or why it makes no sense for the farmer to raise all of them to adult farm animals.

Your daughter is going to learn a lot. For example:

  • She is gonna learn, that all of us cheese-lovers and cheese-eaters are responsible for a lot, a lot and a lot of veals being slaughterd.
  • She is gonna learn that the worst thing to eat is beef from cows that have not been grass-fed.
  • She is gonna learn that one should never buy meat in a supermarket – buy it only from a butcher or a farmer.
  • She is gonna learn that the only really natural and humane meat you get is game. So basically Bambi’s mother.
  • She is going to learn that the second worst thing to eat is farmed salmon.
  • She is going to learn that all those big parade horses breeders are responsible for a lot, a lot, and a lot of foals being slaughtered
  • She is going to learn that even vegans are responsible for a lot of animals being killed during the vegan food production.

And if you read all of this information, and even more, your daughter might have much, much, much more important knowledge what to eat, why you should and should not eat animals and what the consequences of your own decisions regarding eating meat are. 

Only with all of that knowledge you are capable of judging others why they do what they do. Why they eat what they eat. Why they are proud of cooking foals.

So. That’s about your daughter. Now to you:

Now, you are stating that you do not eat veal or lamb, so basically stating you do not eat „baby“ animals and implying that you are morally superior. However, you then have not really fully understood farming or anything about keeping animals for food production. And for that I would have to call you arrogant and disrespectful towards animals (and farmers). If you however do eat old sheep, old cows and so forth, I will turn around and apologise within a second for calling you that. If you can not say so, but eat corn-fed beef steaks, antibotic-riddled chicken wings and tail-bitten-off pork chops from industrially mass-farmed animals I stick to my words. 

We don’t play with food.